
  • Copying New Repository: My first task was to copy a new repository created by Mortensen, which contained important files related to our project. This was essential to ensure that I had access to the latest updates and materials. I was able to successfully clone the repository.

  • Editing the Lab Notebook: Maintaining a comprehensive record of project activities and progress is crucial for tracking our work and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. I added all the programs, blogs and plans to my website. I used .ipynb and .md files to edit my page

  • Gaining Familiarity with .ipynb and .md Files: Working with .ipynb (Jupyter Notebook) and .md (Markdown) files is an essential skill in modern coding and data science projects.


  • We added a few game that Mortensen gave use. We add the calculator, game of life, and snake.

  • Developing “Calculator Quiz” from Scratch: Perhaps one of the most exciting accomplishments of the week was the development of the “Calculator Quiz” game entirely from scratch. The game generated a random equation and the user has to answer it correctly