Data Abstraction


Variables: an abstraction in a program that can hold a value

A variable can be thought of a holder from your program to use

Variables help you manage and organize your work with data

Problem #1: Write a greeting using variables in python

user = input("Enter your name")
print("Hello ", user, " nice to meet you!")

Problem #1 Explanation: This Python code takes the input of the user’s name and print is with a greeting

Problem #2: Print sum of num1Int and num2Int

num1Int = 2
num2Int = 4
print(num1Int + num2Int)

Problem #2 Explanation: Takes 2 variables and adds them in the print statement

Problem #3: Print quotient of float1 and float2

float1 = 4.6
float2 = 2.3
print(float1 / float2) 

Problem #3 Explanation: Takes 2 variables and gets the quotient in the print statement

Problem #4: Write a message with placeholders

price_message = "{0} costs {1} dollars"

print(message.format("Banana", "1"))

print (message.format("Apple Vision Pro", "3500"))

print (message.format("Couch", "1000"))

Problem #4 Explanation: Uses .format to add things to the place holders defined originally