1. Which of the following contributes to the digital divide? I: Cost of technology II: Access for the disabled III: Lack of education IV: Lower-performance computers A. I and II only B. I, II, and III only C. I, II, III, and IV <———— D. None of the above |
  2. One of the following is NOT an effect of the digital divide. A - Online polls underrepresent rural areas. B - Certain problems are not possible to solve in a reasonable time, so approximate solutions are used. <———— C - Twitter opinions are over-representative of young and urban people D - Senior citizens are less trained to access online resources during |
  3. Pat the Billionaire reads about the digital divide and wants to do something to improve it. Which of the following would be the best? A - Use twitter to tweet helpful computer hints to people who do not know how to use computers B - Establish a free internet service for workers at New York City financial institutions C - Build internet infrastructure for rural cities in the United States <———— D - Build a new skyscraper with ultra-fast internet for office workers working at Amazon |
  4. One of these is FALSE. Which? A - A for-profit company could help reduce the digital divide by offering reduced pricing to geographically remote areas. <———— B - A non-profit company can help reduce the digital divide by refurbishing phones and donating them to low-income areas. C - A movie celebrity could eliminate the digital divide in a city by donating enough money to pay for free computers and wireless hotspots. D - A for-profit company could help reduce the digital divide by paying for tutors for introductory computer science classes at schools around the state | Extra Credit: Write a few sentences answering the prompt (90%+): How can you help end the digital divide?